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Problems with multiple stacks in IAR EWARM

Associate II
Posted on February 15, 2008 at 11:32

Problems with multiple stacks in IAR EWARM

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:24

Hi, I have problems debugging my application in IAR EWARM, because it shows wrong local variables. This is because I am using multiple stacks and when I set thread mode to use process stack, debugger seems to not notice this and show local var. as if they were in main stack.

However, this code executes just fine, the only thing is debugger wich represents the wrong place.

So, please, help me ,if somebody knows how to solve this.

I am using (EWARM V4.42 with j-link and C-SPY)

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:24

I also've noticed this :-( .

It seem to be a bug (or just a simplification) in the IAR debugger. The reason is that by default the compiler uses only the main stack for threads and handlers, so the debugger shows its value in the place of R13. It also affects the local variables, shown during debug. Even when you modify R13 in the register window when PSP is active, the change affects MSP :-o .

Does anybody tested it on IAR 5.11?