2020-11-12 03:44 AM
i develop an outdoor temperature measurement system and read every 30 minutes the ADC values -> all works fine! ADC calibration was done one times after start up.
Now i changed the ADC calibration and calibrate every 30 minutes just before i read the ADC values. I want to do this because the temperature in the environment changes between +20°C and - 5°C within 24 hours.
But now, i got wrong results after ADC conversion.
here is my code for calibration:
void ADC_calibration(void)
/* (1) Ensure that ADEN = 0 */
/* (2) Clear ADEN */
/* (3) Set ADCAL=1 */
/* (4) Wait until EOCAL=1 */
/* (5) Clear EOCAL */
if ((ADC1->CR & ADC_CR_ADEN) != 0) /* (1) */
ADC1->CR |= ADC_CR_ADDIS; /* (2) */
ADC1->CR |= ADC_CR_ADCAL; /* (3) */
while ((ADC1->ISR & ADC_ISR_EOCAL) == 0) /* (4) */
/* For robust implementation, add here time-out management */
ADC1->ISR |= ADC_ISR_EOCAL; /* (5) */
and here my code in the ADC conversion function:
void concatenate_tx_data(void)
ADC_calibration(); // ADC Calibration just before ADC conversion every 30 minutes
vrefint_raw_value = adcBuffer[4]; // VREFINT Rohwert
vrefint_cal_value = (*VREFINT_CAL_ADDR); // VREFINT Factory Calibration Value @ 3V, 25C
/*********** calculate R NTC1 (NTC mounted on PCB) ************/
ADCx = (double)vrefint_cal_value * (double)adcBuffer[0];
ADCy = vrefint_raw_value * ADC_RESOLUTION;
ADCtemp = 3000.0 * (ADCx / ADCy);
Uadc1 = ADCtemp;
R_NTC1 = (R2*(UCONST-Uadc1))/Uadc1;
Can somebody give me a hint whats going wrong?
2020-11-12 06:27 AM
The calibration procedure in the RM is slightly different than what you're doing here. May or may not be the issue.
Software calibration procedure
1. Ensure that ADEN=0 and DMAEN=0.
2. Set ADCAL=1.
3. Wait until ADCAL=0 (or until EOCAL=1). This can be handled by interrupt if the
interrupt is enabled by setting the EOCALIE bit in the ADC_IER register. The ADCAL
bit can remain set for some time even after EOCAL has been set. As a result, the
software must wait for ADCAL=0 after EOCAL=1 to be able to set ADEN=1 for next
ADC conversions.
4. The calibration factor can be read from bits 6:0 of ADC_DR or ADC_CALFACT