2007-12-07 7:50 AM
Problems Installing stmcdc.inf
2011-05-17 3:18 AM
While trying to test the virtual COM port driver software I encountered the problem, that I can not install the according driver ''stmcdc.inf'' which is provided by ST for this purpose. On two XP systems I receive the error message: ''Der angegebene Ort enthält keine Informationen über die Hardware.''. Sorry I have a german PC! The translation of this error message might be: The given location does not contain information about the hardware''.
What can I do? Best regards Squonk2011-05-17 3:18 AM
Problem solved:
After disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable it was possible to install the driver (for whatever reason...). After that there was an error message in the device status. This could be solved by switching off and on the µC (for whatever reason...). Is there a way for an ''easy'' and ''userfriendly'' installation of the driver? Regards Squonk2011-05-17 3:18 AM
This prb seems to be known at Microsoft, since it seems that the Native Driver (Usbser.sys) was initially made for Low speed modem some years ago and now is widely used in embedded systems for USB to replace Applications using UART/RS232 to communicate with Embeddeed designs, since few laptops/Desktops are nowadays having the old RS232.
[ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 07-12-2007 21:28 ]