2015-04-03 10:45 PM
I was using cube for programming the stm32f030r8t6 for that there is a option of configuring the clock there I had managed clock by prescalling it to very small values i.e. /512 & /16 now when ever I used to download the code to my stm32f0 board it first shows the warning then after downloading when I used to stop the debugger then it shows error �?debugger cant be stopped this will abort the session�?. After clicking on yes it stops the debugger but then after it never download the code into the stm32f0, it shows the error
''failed to load flash loader: C:\ProgramFiles\IAR-------Flashloader\ST\flashSTM32F05xx8.h''
.then after clicking “yes�?, It shows the error “fatal error occured�?.Now my two boards are not working with such aproblem. Please help me out. If I am doing something wrong please let me know.
2015-04-10 04:25 AM
i resolved the problem of board i pressed & hold the reset button and then downloaded the program it downloaded.
but i am not getting why it happened