2017-07-06 6:00 AM
Designing own board based on stm32L0x1 and looking at debug provision.
Am I right in thinking that printf style output is not available via the debugger ( ST-LINK/V2) on the stm32L0 (m0+) parts as:-
1) They only have SWDIO and SWCLK pins and don't have SWO pin.
2) They don't have ITM in debug unit.
I can track out usart lines and gnd to some pads and connect a usb to ttl cable for use with hyperterminal but was wondering are there any other options via the debugger ?
2017-07-06 7:18 AM
Bob Boys from Keil has posted an example using the Event Viewer, this uses a RAM allocation to store trace data
2017-07-06 9:19 AM
2017-07-06 9:22 AM