2021-02-26 5:16 AM
2021-03-05 5:57 AM
Hello @Uwe Bonnes ,
I have reported your request internally to take into consideration.
2021-04-20 6:23 AM
Hi @Uwe Bonnes ,
Sorry for the delay.
Just to be sure if I well understand ,do you mean the MCU selector of STM32CubeMX?
In this case it is already available in search criteria "Peripheral" ==> "VREFBUF"
If you mean the MCU selector of MCU finder, indeed it does not exist and a ticket has already been submitted internally to see how we can address this modification.
Hope it helps you.
2021-04-20 7:27 AM
My stmcufinder is V3.1.0 on linux. It does not report updates available. VRefbuf is also not displayed. Maybe some new release did not yet make it through the pipeline?