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Please, help to start

Associate II
Posted on December 18, 2010 at 12:29

I have STM32VL-Disco, EWB5.4 ARM compiler.

Please, help to me ''hello word'' :) Built in firmware work good, but I think debug it ;) and try to program my own project

Posted on December 18, 2010 at 23:37


#include <stdio.h>







    printf(''Hello World!\n'');




isn't compiling?

Might be hard to get any output seeing as the USARTs aren't hooked up. That's why the example code that comes with the FW library does things like blink the LEDs and checks for buttons.

Take one of the example projects, trim it down, add your own code, and proceed from there.

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Associate II
Posted on December 18, 2010 at 23:37

please, help!

How I can programm&debug STM32 via USB?

Associate II
Posted on December 18, 2010 at 23:39

no problem with compiling, I have trouble with boot my project into STM32

Posted on December 19, 2010 at 14:26

How I can programm&debug STM32 via USB?

Doesn't IAR and the ST-LINK allow you to do that?

While there are Download issues in Keil, the Debug option does download the code into the STM32VL flash. The lack of a serial channel might impede development if you need that, but you could attach one using a USB-to-CMOS Serial type adapter or get the DCC feature to work. At the very least the ST-LINK should permit you to step through your code, and add breakpoints, etc.

If serial output, or a text lcd, would be useful a different dev board might be more appropriate.

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Associate II
Posted on December 19, 2010 at 15:07

I can't do it in IAR, install Keil, probably download... try to change code and see result. Have you valueline Discovery???

may be you can link me CDC for STM32? thanks

Posted on December 19, 2010 at 16:10

Both Keil and IAR should be able to build and download/debug a project in a couple of key presses.

Start by loading the demo project and rebuilding/debugging that. If that's proving difficult, you might want to spend some time reviewing the documentation for the board and the tools.

Yes, I have several VL Discovery boards.

I did try to get the DCC (Debug Communications Channel) implementation over the SWD working in Keil, but wasn't successful, then again I didn't try very hard, and had a box of DLP-RXTX's to hand.

ST/Keil should probably get the ST-LINK driver for Keil fixed, and get the debug channel and printf/etc working, and the platform would be a lot cleaner.

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Associate II
Posted on December 19, 2010 at 17:24

what is yours version IAR you use to flash STM32?

I try to use 5.50.1, and it can't

I'am isn't read about DCC, try to google :)

may be CDC futered.

Now try to use mVision...

Posted on December 19, 2010 at 18:02

I'm using KEIL 4.12 EVAL, I have EWARM 5.5x EVAL on another machine, but the menu/configuration items are reasonably similar last time I checked.

I pulled the FW library and demo code from ST's download area.

Make sure that the debug interface is selected as ST-LINK/SWD, and download on debug is enabled for the project. And you should be able to Build and then Debug. You really should be able to download and debug using your current configuration, but it might require you to review some of the documentation for the tools/boards being used.

SWV might be a better search term for the Cortex-M3 core. I can't tell if ST has implement the communications channel in the ST-LINK.

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