2012-05-22 2:49 AM
Some companies have PLC softwares (like as
IEC 61131-3 Development System CoDeSys
that have a runtime core that can be programmed on STM32 micros and we can write PLC programs and download it to stm32 without any C code. If ST sell stm32 with PLC capability inside it ,then we can buy it(PLC runtime license fee will be added to stm32 price ) and use in our projects. Doing this job for small companies and individuals is impossible. What is your idea?2012-05-22 6:55 AM
Why wouldn't you just buy the aforementioned COTS implementation instead of faffing around with a chip level solution? ie If you as a business cannot field a competitive solution, from a licensing/whatever perspective, use the solution that is competitive/available. Presumably all the added value is the unique software you develop under this environment.
2012-05-22 3:08 PM
''Doing this job for small companies and individuals is impossible.''
Doing what job, exactly? There are many small companies and individulas that manage to successfully program microcontrollers - including STM32...2012-05-22 6:47 PM
then we can buy it(PLC runtime license fee will be added to stm32 price ) and use in our projects.
It seems from Wikipedia that the CoDeSys is license free ??
2012-05-23 7:12 AM
I have seen/hear fo umpteen ''we can make a PLC much cheaper'' projects.
They have all fallen by the wayside since when the ''industrial strength'' damage resisting I/O was added (after realizing the necessity) the cost far passed the cost of a ''store bouight'' PLC. Erik2012-05-24 4:36 AM
2015-10-11 12:24 AM