2018-05-25 1:20 AM
Is there any parametric selection tool where I can filter in parts that implement an MPU?
I didn't find this option on Cube MCU selector or on the webpage filtering tool.
#stm32 #mpu2018-05-25 2:32 AM
please describe an example of what you want.
2018-05-25 4:43 AM
Ι want a quick way to know which MCU parts have an MPU.
2018-05-25 5:09 AM
Didn't check the M0/M0+ parts, but AFAIK all M3/M4M7 from ST have a MPU.
2018-05-25 5:44 AM
That's what I also thought, but then checked this one STM32F303K8, which doesn't.
2018-05-25 5:45 AM
All M3s but F1 have MPU
L0X with X >= 5 have MPU
No M0 has MPU.
2018-05-25 7:13 AM
Hello David,
Thanks for the lookup list. Any idea about the M4s (F3, F4)?
2018-05-25 7:50 AM
Pretty sure the MPU is a standard module/option used in all ST's CM3/CM4 parts, not sure it is heavily used, or has many examples. Seem to remember people using it on F4 (F429I-DISCO) to map the SDRAM (0xD0000000) into executable memory space.
2018-05-25 8:11 AM
All F4s and all F3s with RAM >= 24kB and all F373 (according to STMCUFinder).