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On the fly updates to variables using AC6

Associate II
Posted on April 21, 2016 at 21:12


I am trying a very simple task. I need to be able to update and read variables while the code is running, so I can adjust things like gains, or see values of counters, etc. without having to halt CPU execution. Is that possible with AC6? If so, I can't get it to work, could you please help me? I am using a Nucleo STM32F302.

Senior II
Posted on April 21, 2016 at 21:43

This isn't posibble.  Try google. real time view. On mcuoneclilse was topic about real time view but this is still based on breakpoints. But write was not possible. This take time (human reaction).  Try by add some add some debbuging console, semihosting/rs232 etc.

Associate II
Posted on April 21, 2016 at 22:38

Thanks, I will wait for the formal response from ST though. I know that it is kind of possible using Keil's IDE, and other processors like TI allow this with XDS100 which is also an onboard debugger, so I am hoping ST also has this capability.

Senior II
Posted on April 22, 2016 at 10:12

>>I know that it is kind of possible using Keil's IDE.

Without trace Only real time read is posible.  So Yes kind of....

>>so I am hoping ST also has this capability.

Not ST but AC6 and to be more speciffic.   GDB AND OPENOCD.

>>I will wait for the formal response from ST though.

For formal response ask your FAE. But I still suggest to to ask apropiate people, like AC6 forum. or OPENOCD mailing list.

Associate II
Posted on April 22, 2016 at 21:10

The question to ST is simple, how can I watch and change variables in real time (without having to halt execution) on an STM32?

This is critical for my application (motor control), and other vendors like NXP and TI offer that capability, so I need to choose the right vendor for my application.

Senior II
Posted on April 22, 2016 at 22:09

What you don't understand?  If you want this feature chose

the appropriate IDE. This is not problem with  MCU but with debuger.  AC6 is based fuuly on opensource.  NXP and other creater more property solution like GDB servers etc.

If is only for debugging why

appropriate console solution is wrong?

Did  you try use STM Studio?

Associate II
Posted on April 22, 2016 at 23:39

I didn't know about STM Studio, that actually does what I need thanks! I just tried it and it worked flawlessly!