2017-05-26 1:56 AM
HI Everybody,
I am trying to access microSD card with NucleoL476RG board using SPI interface. I am using FatFs third party library with code (generated from stm32cubemx software). I did everything but it is not working. It is getting stuck in 'f_mkfs' function in main.c file. And returning the value 'FR_NOT_READY'. What should I do?
I have attached the project files here. Waiting for answers/suggestions.
‌#nucleo-l476rg #stm32 #spi #microsd2017-06-05 3:25 AM
,You are using old version of CubeMx and firmware package.
So, please try to update the latest version which contain enhancementand upgrade FatFs
Also try to increase the
size of stack memory, then
keep us informed aboutyour update.