2015-08-11 3:00 AM
I'm using nucleo-l053r8 for my project. I have to make a data logger application with a sensor. Here i have developed my code in mbed tool. I also store the values in SD card. Now my task is to make my own custom board.After seeing schematics i realised that ST link has more components than controller. How can i make my custom board?. What are the components can i ignore.How can i dump the code in to the custom board. ( should i use ST link ).Once code flash in to the controller, since then it has to work on that code parmanently.2015-08-11 3:46 AM
Firstly why not make a board shield that comes directly connect the Nucleo.
This was designed for that?
And it really is easier and less expensive.
If you are still motivated to design your own PCB, here are some answers to your questions:
How can i make my custom board ?.
What are the components can i know.
You must use an integrated software design Schematic / PCB such as:
- Eagle CadSoft USA (free license for limited size pcb)
- Kicad (Open source)
- Fritzing (Rapid prototyping comunity)
and more ...
Then you must ignore nucleo components below:
All components on Sheet 3 and 4 in Nucleo Schematic (STLink V2) except CN4 connector (SWD)
Keep all others component from sheet 1 and 2. It will be necessary depending on your application to keep a single LDO voltage regulator (3V3)
Once your PCB fact, you should contact a PCB manufacturer (like OSHPark or SeeedStudio) and generate standards manufacturing files.
STM32L053 is QFP package you will have to make at least 2 layers.
How can i dump the code in to the custom board.
(Should i use ST link).
Since you will keep the CN4 connector (SWD) on your board, you'll be able to use your Nucleo to program your own board (see chapter 5.2.4 of Nucleo User Manual)
You also have the option of buying a programer STLink / V2 for about € 30.
Once Flash code in to the controller, since then It has to Work On That code parmanently?
Yes, your firmware into flash memory Will Be Permanently.
Good luck
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2015-08-11 4:26 AM
Thank you for your comprehensive reply. yes it helps me alot. And one more doubt is:Now I'm developing customer related application. A data logger with a sensor with lowest power consumption.I developed and experimented on nucleo board. Every thing is fine.Now I should built a dedicated device for that application. Our end customer will use our device through a USB cable to see the sensor values on a computer. Our IT people develop that PC software.I hope my final PCB must not have SWD connecors.Our customer should not access the code in the flash memory. But we must dump the code.I hope you understand my situation. I look forward for your reply. thank you.2015-08-11 4:54 AM
Our end customer Will use our device through a USB cable to see the sensor values were computer.
Which protocol your client will connect to receive your application data:
- UART and USB converter (FTDI chip or others)?
- Will you use the FS and USB Device Class USB Virtual Com Port of STM32L053?
I hope my final PCB must-have not connecors SWD.
You must, otherwise you will need to use the bootloader to load when your program in the flash memory of your device.
View chapter Embedded boot loader Reference manual.
To protect your code reading and potential hacking, I recommend you to use the Memory Protection NVM.
This will allow you to let the SWD connector on your board.
Once set on Level1 Memory Protection, No access to the Flash program memory and data EEPROM can be done.
View chapter Memory Protection Reference manual.
However all of these features can not operate properly beings with writing your code in traditional C (using the ST CubeMX tool and compiler as Keil, IAR or SWSTM32)
The Mbed Online compiler will not allow you these functions. Your code remains easily hackable.
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2015-08-11 5:11 AM
2015-08-11 5:32 AM
Initially i started programming with STCube and keil,Later on i switched to mbed since i was not a professional programmer.
Nice approch, MBed is a very high Level, easy and usefull comunity. But limited when you need to use full low power capabilities (especialy for STM32L0 serie) or Memory protection. MBed is based on original HAL function library for all STM32.I hope at the end i can export my program to keil.Sure you can, and you could debug it too !How can i dump the code if i use FTDI's.
There is a specific application note writed for using Bootloader for all STM32 série. Please visit www.st.comHere power consumption is also a major considerable issue.
So i suggest tu use the lowest internal clock frequency source (suche as MSI 4MHz) And Core Voltage range lowest possible (see chapter 6.1.5 Voltage Regulator in Reference Manual) Then maybe your application don't need to datalog sensor value all the time, the best method is to perform data acquisition, compute it and transmit it (we can allocate 20ms for that) and place the STM32 in low power mode until next acquisition (maybe 1 or 10 hours after) This method will garantee the lowest consumption and long life battery (at least many weeks)
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2015-08-11 7:02 AM
Is it possible that i break ST link part from the Nucleo and program µcontroller with FTDI and USB port??orUSB port, FTDI, SWD and controller??like my competitor, can i use µcontoller , sensors , EEPROM , FTDI, USB port.they were using TI controller. But i dont see any SWD type connectors on that board.Thank you for answering my silly questions.2015-08-11 7:17 AM
You can
do whatever
you want with
a microcontroller
Best to
connector on your
and protect your
Memory Protection
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2015-08-11 8:51 AM
If not a connector, consider test points or edge castellations. There's nothing worse than a board you can't test/program in manufacturing, or fix/debug when you have software issues.
2015-10-08 2:58 AM
Please look in to the attachement. That is my project in breif. Now I'm going to make PCB layout in eagle. Kindly me suggest me the hardware necessary from the nucleo board. Thank you. ________________ Attachments : IMG_3841.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I15E&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bi5%2F3X6XOTn2bCjB_A8XYLQychggielaS3dvdXHq12nj37g&asPdf=false