2021-11-25 12:49 PM
I've ordered two NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q at a same distributor, on a same time.
It seems that one CPU's board is "bricked" :
The software runs fine on a board. the same software literally doesn't run on the second board.
The embedded debugger tells that CPU is well detected, and programmed.
I have no idea, i saw some post which advised a problem with the CM7.
A simple LED blinking doesn't works at all.
I tried to force BOOT_0 with 3.3V, it blinks the red led LD3.
I tried a full memory erase, then reprogrammed, but still no effect.
Any idea ?
2021-11-25 1:32 PM
Compare option bits.
BOOT0 should generally be low to run user code.
Debug it, see where the code gets stuck.
2021-11-26 8:06 AM
Thanks @TDK, to your answer.
The problem is solved, no bricked CPU. The problem was that my CubeProgrammer doesn't erase correctly the device.
I switch computer, and the problem is solved.