2016-09-02 2:35 AM
Hi All,
I am working on STM32F429II. Somehow by mistake readout protection is being on. RDP level has set to 1. i am trying to set it 0 by ST-Lint utilities (GUI & CLI both tried). but the message like ''Could not disable Read Out Protection!'' or ''Could not set Option bytes!'' are appeared.Please Help me out of this. #option-bytes2016-09-02 3:49 AM
Hi rabadiya.tushar,
You need update the latest version of ST-Link utility, and use this to upgrade the STLink firmware (go to ST-LINK>firmware update) or through this Link Regards2016-09-02 4:54 AM
The problem is still remaining, I have updated both with STM32 ST-Link utility and firmware of ST-Link. While I trying to set option bytes with Target->Option Bytes and select Read Out Protection to Level 0 and selecet ''Apply'' then error is appear like ''Could not set option bytes, Please restart the target and retry!'', screenshot is attached. After doing reset device, problem is same here.
Please help me. ________________ Attachments : Capture.PNG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I15Y&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bi7%2FK_VjZkct8Stgq3EyEcV11VBoB1029H3XmW73ZxAehvQ&asPdf=false2016-09-02 8:00 AM
Try the following and then let me know :1- Set protection level to Level 02- Perform a power on reset3- Use ST-Link Utility again to update option bytesRegards2016-12-07 12:46 AM
It did not help.
I think I started to have the problem after I updated the software and the hardware to the latest version at this date.It's also interesting to note despite the error message, the operation completes successfully.
2016-12-07 2:28 AM
If you suspect something is wrong with the software you have running on the device (ie it is reprogramming the options, or reconfiguring GPIO pins), then pulling BOOT0 High will run the System Loader instead of the User Code, and things might function in a more stable fashion.
2016-12-08 5:22 AM
Maybe I was not clear enough:
With ST-Link Utility v4.0: I have the problemWith ST-Link Utility v3.9: I don't have the problem
(Same code running on device)Here is the output when I set RDP level 1:
13:21:29 : ST-LINK SN : 55FF6A066685485512251767
13:21:29 : ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J27S613:21:29 : Connected via SWD.13:21:29 : SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz.13:21:29 : Connection mode : Normal.13:21:29 : Device ID:0x432 13:21:29 : Device flash Size : 256KBytes13:21:29 : Device family :STM32F37xx13:21:38 : Could not set Option bytes! <<< ERROR REPORTED Please reset the target and retry.13:21:40 : Can not read memory! <<<< BUT IT WORKS! Disable Read Out Protection and retry.