2020-02-09 06:58 AM
2020-02-09 08:54 AM
Indeed there is one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/PCs-Dummies-Dan-Gookin/dp/1119041775/
Also try to accomplish this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eiUjfPiF5A
2020-02-09 09:44 AM
Thanks (for the second link). This talks about dev boards which I am not using. I have the STM32 already in my own board as mentioned earlier.
2020-02-09 12:09 PM
Oh, you poor one. One of course has to be a genius to see the "Devices" tab besides the "Boards" tab.
2020-02-09 01:30 PM
Tried Blinky example but got error msg:
Error: Flash Download failed - Could not load file 'C:\Users\Admin\Documents\MDK\MDK\Boards\ST\STM32G474E-EVAL\Blinky\Objects\Blinky.axf'
2020-02-09 02:36 PM
And is the file actually there? Any other failures in the connection/download process
I'd build these things off an C:\KEIL directory
Does the project build and complete?
Does the ST-LINK find a connected STM32 device? Inspect Options -> Debug -> Debug Settings
Do the ST-LINK Utilities find the STM32 / Board?
2020-02-12 07:22 PM
I decided to try the simulator instead but got stuck. I am in microvision and loaded the project blinky but could not see the simulate button. The video shows him opening MDK and then you get a list of examples and you copy the one you want and then simulate appears automatically in the abstract file. I don't think you have to do this every time you simulate but then how else can you simulate?
2020-02-21 05:18 PM
Thanks. How to run the simulator?
2020-02-29 08:42 AM
At last, d'loaded Blinky via STLINK. When I ran it, the LED on STLINK started FLASHING red and green. So I assume my d'load to STM32G4 works OK. Now, I have to program the 3 motors for forward and reverse motion. Is there any code out there that can do it?
2020-02-29 09:01 AM
You mean a universal code for universal unknown drivers? How about learning how your motor drivers work and turning them on?