2012-09-13 2:00 AM
Hi All,
I have a fully functioning RTC on the STM32103. however it is fast by about 30 seconds over a 24hr period. The RTC is running from external 32768Hz crystal. Anyway for now i want to output RTC seconds signal on tamper pin but i have tried the following settings and see nothing on the tamper pin! What am i doing wrong? /*PC13 - (Tamper Pin) Configure as.... */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Output seconds signal on the Tamper pin */ BKP_TamperPinCmd(DISABLE);/* disable tamper pin function */ BKP_RTCOutputConfig(BKP_RTCOutputSource_Second); /* output signal */ #rtc-tamper-pin-output-signal2012-09-13 5:25 AM
Make sure you have the BKP/PWR unit clocked, and that you unlock it.
2012-11-29 1:20 AM
I was wondering if you already found a solution because i'am having the same problem.I tried to lock and unlock bkp access every time I modified the bkp registers but nothing changes. it works perfectly with 512Hz output signal but when i want to have 1hz, the output signal stabilizes in active level of the pin.thanks in advance,2012-12-03 12:26 AM
the 1 second output signal happened so quickly (32µs every 1 second) so i didn't catch it at first But it's there.