2011-10-22 04:16 AM
Hi to all,
I need RC5_IR_Receiver.h file for STM32F2xx /10x where i can find that file can any one tell me.Thanks & Regardslucky2011-10-22 05:21 AM
I need RC5_IR_Receiver.h file for STM32F2xx /10x where i can find that file can any one tell me.
Isn't this just in the AN3174 download? http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/FIRMWARE/stm32_rc5_receiver.zip stm32_rc5_receiver.zip\Libraries\STM32F10x_RC5_Emul_Receiver_Lib\inc\RC5_IR_Receiver.h
2011-10-23 10:03 PM