2011-10-22 11:08 AM
I want to know about how to program STM103F's internal flash memory via I2C bus.Now, I am preparing for developing new PCB which can update firmware via I2C.I read AN3078().It is written that ''The versions of the Aardvark host adapter used during the development are listed below:''Please tell me how to get the following items...+Firmware: Aardvark I2C/SPI Control Center v3.52 -2009.0130+Hardware: Aardvark I2C/SPI v3.0Regards, #stm32f103 #iap2011-10-22 2:48 PM
It's a really rubbish document that relies totally on this ''Aardvark'' thing - yet gives absolutely no indication at all as to what it is!!
Perhaps they mean this: ?2011-10-22 7:58 PM
This looks to make the STM32 act as an I2C slave. Frankly this looks like a stupid plan, as a) the serial port method is built in, well documented, and relatively fast, and b) if I were using an I2C ROM to payload in the firmware, I'd have it act as master and have it pull data. Finally it requires some extra hardware to perform, and that doesn't look cheap.
Noting further that the USART method works to at least 115200 baud, and might well work at 230K or 460K. And the SPI serial memories are probably cheaper and denser. All that said, if you want the STM32 to act as an I2C slave, there is probably sample code in one or more of the firmware libraries.2011-10-24 6:18 AM
before you venture down this road, read the errata. That should scare you away from I²C downloads