2013-05-15 10:00 AM
I need advice on the following problem.
I have to connect an external hardware generating 32-bit values at a continuous rate of 1536 kHz to a GPIO port of a Cortex M4F CPU, that of the STM32F4 Discovery board, which I am using as a proof of concept before committing for the production of the final PCB.
I had thought to use the DMA to fill a 512-entry buffer, in double buffered mode, alerting the CPU when one of the two flip-flop buffers is filled. This seems to not present problems.
What I am not sure is how to communicate to the DMA controller that a new sample is ready on the GPIO port. First of all, can the DMA be used this way ? IOW, can it be controlled by an EXTI interrupt generated by a pin of a GPIO port (of course not the same port where the samples are arriving from).
To summarize, the flow should be this :
- A new 32-bit sample is set on the pins of a GPIO port.
- A pin of another port is toggled to tell to the DMA controller to read that value and to deposit it in memory, incrementing the memory address. - When the count of samples reaches 512, a buffer switch happens, and an interrupt is generated to the CPU, which will then process the just filled buffer. So what I need is a way to trigger a DMA request by toggling a pin of a GPIO port. Is this possible ? A snippet of code on how to initialize the NVIC and the DMA controllers would be much appreciated, thanks.2013-05-18 10:03 AM
> IMO you just need to do it in reverse, STM32 as a master generating data clock/request.
Yes, that in theory would be a good solution, but I fear that there are hardware considerations that preclude that way... anyway I will talk to the hardware designers to see what they will say about that.2015-05-01 4:55 AM
Which stream and channel could be used for gpio to memory transfers using dma?Thanks.