2009-06-18 10:27 PM
nand flash ptoblem of STM32F103ZE
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
I access the external nand flash with FSMC of the STM32F103ZE and the code is the example of MASS_STORAGE of ST site. It's ok when nand flash is NAND512W3A.But when I change nand flash to K9F1208U0C(SAMSUNG),it's wrong to access the nand flash. It seems that faults occur while building the lookup table for blocks.I check the difference in both IC datasheets. Although some timing minimums such as tWP,tRP,tCS,tALS,tCLS are diferernt,actual timing are compatible. would anyone help me solve the problem?
Thanks!2011-05-17 4:15 AM
I have solved the problem. It is OK to delete the code of *(vu8 *)(Bank_NAND_ADDR | CMD_AREA) = NAND_CMD_AREA_TRUE1 in the ''FSMC_NAND_ReadSmallPage'' and ''FSMC_NAND_ReadSpareArea''. But I am still confused that it is OK in the NAND512W3A and NG in the K9F1208U0C for primary code.
2011-05-17 4:15 AM
i have the same problem, as you descripted in the first post. After correcting the timing, i was able to read/write to the k9f1208u0c with the nand library of the StdPeriph_Driver, but not with the one of the usbFS. I think i still have problems with the lookup table, maybe the data of the SpareAreas are different, i wasn't able to find a datasheet, which shows a mapping of this area. Has anyone a idea, what is missing, or rather any experiance with this nand flash and the stm32? Thanks hw