2015-05-10 5:29 AM
Hi folks,
I used MX to generate code for a project based on the STM32F429I-DISCO board pretty much for the default I/O configuration. (IIRC I made no changes)MX_FMC_Init() was declared but not defined. Project Settings -> Project:Toolchain: SW4STM32Project Settings -> Code Generation: - Add Necessary Library Files - Keep user code ... and delete previously ... both checked.ioc file attached.Thanks!hank2015-05-12 5:56 AM
What operating system are you using?
2015-05-14 8:39 AM
I used MX to generate code for a project based on the STM32F429I-DISCO board with default configuration and toolchain SW4STM32, and MX_FMC_Init() was declared and defined. Besides, I have loaded the .ioc in attachement, I generated code and MX_FMC_Init() is declared and defined. Also, It seems that sent project does not contain the default configuration.2015-05-14 9:08 AM
2015-05-17 7:41 PM
That's a known issue. STM does not test its tools on case-sensitive file systems. As a work-around, mount up a VFAT or NTFS loopback filesystem and export the code there. It will be fine.
2015-05-20 4:12 AM
Thanks for the tip, Rob. Is this necessary only for the project directory or does the repository that MX uses also need to be VFAT/NTFS?
thanks,hank2015-05-23 7:31 PM
Just the project directory based on my experience to date.
2015-12-01 3:44 AM
Dear users,
this issue will be solved in STM32CubeMX 4.12.0 release.