2018-06-06 6:57 AM
STLing is showing error (memory in read out protection). Cannot get access to memory even via DFU (DFuSe, Flash loader demo, via USB OTG FS or USART3(PC10,PC11) with PC2102). First time i did get access via USB and DFuSe and wiped memory, but it have happened again and now a cannot do anything with it.
#stm32f4-read-out-protection2018-06-06 1:38 PM
,Could you please try to erase the memory using STLink and STLink Utility application (or ST Cube Programmer) ?
Within this application please select first 'connect under reset' option within configuration of STLink. In STLink Utility it is in Target->Settings menu and connection mode.
Best Regards,
2018-06-07 1:08 AM
Hello Aleksandr,
Please have a look at your code whether you are not:
- overclocking the MCU
- using low power modes
- using debug pins (or configuring them into analog mode -> one of the option within STM32CubeMX code generator)
The safest way is to select debug pins within SYS peripherals to be sure you would be able to connect by STLink to MCU.
Best Regards
2018-06-07 3:00 AM
Hi Artur. This is miracle! I got this settings before, so i jus tplugged on board STLink and clicked 'ok' in Target->Settings menu.. and it's working fine (STM32)!