2020-07-02 11:59 AM
I am storing some configuration data in flash memory at address 0x080E0000.
If I call HAL_FLASHEx_Erase and then do a memcmp of 24 bytes at this address vs a buffer where I have prepared data I want to write there everything is fine although of course the data does not match.
However if i dont erase it and I just call memcmp of the new data with the data at this address I get this crash in the memcmp function:
CM7: r0 = 0x080e0000
CM7: r1 = 0x20000cf0
CM7: r2 = 0x00000018
CM7: r3 = 0x00000000
CM7: r12 = 0x2001fef3
CM7: lr = 0x08001c11
CM7: return_address = 0x08008778
CM7: xpsr = 0x21000200
CM7: SCB->HFSR = 0x40000000
CM7: Forced Hard Fault
CM7: SCB->CFSR = 0x00008200
CM7: SCB->BFSR = 0x82
CM7: BFARVALID - bfar address was the cause
CM7: SCB->BFAR = 0x080e0000
CM7: PRECISERR - instruction triggered the problem
R0-2 are the parameters I passed to memcmp
The assembly dump at 0x08008778 is
0800876c: push {r4, r5, lr}
0800876e: movs r4, #0
08008770: cmp r2, r4
08008772: bne.n 0x8008778 <memcmp+12>
08008774: movs r0, #0
08008776: b.n 0x8008788 <memcmp+28>
08008778: ldrb r3, [r0, r4]
so basically it is crashing on the loading of the byte at 0x080E0000 ... is doing a memcmp illegal for the STM32H7xx not a legal operation?
2020-07-02 12:10 PM
Knowing what R4 contained would be helpful in this context. The handler I use dumps R4-R6 and the stack.
memcpy should work, something else is going on here.
Might want to check whats going on with the cache. Be very careful using the DCache Invalidate function.
The CM7 can fault on unaligned LDRD/STRD used in some optimizations.
Check the stack isn't misaligned, ie estack=0x2001FFFF !!
2020-07-02 1:31 PM
eStack is 0x20020000 in my ld file so i think that is aligned.
I will need to try to work out code to capture the other registers.
I was using -Og (optimise for debug) in this test.
I am not sure what you mean about your DCache comment ... is there an article or something that outlines things to be wary of?
2020-07-03 3:12 AM
I think I know what I have wrong.
It seems when you write to flash you write once to a page and once you close it you cannot write to it again until you erase the whole 128KB page. A failed write (of which i had many) likely left the page in bad shape.