2018-06-14 1:50 AM
I�m developing an application using Nucleo-f446re and MCSKD, but the program never reaches the
user code while loop. I have made a super simple example that tries to turn on user LED on PA5. I generated the code from mcsdk and added a line in the while loop to turn on the led. If I run the debugger in TrueSTUDIO it stops debugging after the lines below (from MX_NVIC_Init()), if I comment out these lines the program runs. What do they do and how do I resolve this? Also what is the correct way to use MCSDK when you are done with motor control workbench and don�t need those UI parts anymore?HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(TIM1_BRK_TIM9_IRQn, 4, 1);