2018-05-03 8:29 AM
I am trying PIL in simulink with Nucleo board with stm32. But everytime there is error with crating some file. Does somebody has similar issues? What can be wrong? Simulink model I used is attached.
### Copy algorithms_test.ioc to X:\tmp\matlab_test\PIL_nucleo\Subsystem_PIL\Subsystem.ioc configuration file for PIL communication. ### Modify ioc configuration file for PIL communication. ### Open STM32CubeMX for configuration and project code generation.
Can not create file : Subsystem_PIL/.script
2018-06-27 1:39 AM
You don't create .ioc file by yourself. The STM32-MAT/TARGET generate it automatically so you don't need MCU config block.
Before build your project, please check Configuration Parameters setting of System and Subsystem as show in below picture.
I used EWARM toolchain and USART2 for communication.
And this is the result.
Please check example in Hands on instruction again for more information.
Best regards,
2018-06-27 5:37 AM
Thanks for the description you prepared, next week I will have time to test it. Thanks again!