2008-08-28 8:13 AM
Mass storage demo works only with Nokia micro SD
2011-05-17 3:43 AM
I try to run Mass storage demo from USB Library. This demo works fine only with 64MB Nokia microSD from STM3210B-EVAL, but not works with Kingston SD (256MB) or microSD (2GB) card. I try two versions of this demo : V0.3 from Ride install directory, and V2.2.0 from ST website. When card is not present in socket, each versions works correctly (USB device is recognized by Windows and drivers are installed). But when i put card into socket V0.3 version hang up on MSD_Init routine and Windows can't recognize USB device. In V.2.2.0 version USB device is recognized, but card is inaccessible. This situation is for Kingston cards. For Nokia card all works fine. What is wrong? Of course, Kingston SD cards works in camera and PC reader. Best regards, radzio [ This message was edited by: radzio on 28-08-2008 15:47 ]2011-05-17 3:43 AM
Believe others have encountered similar...
Two suggestions: 1) are Nokia/other micro SD both formatted in the same manner? Does your Nokia work ok in camera & PC reader? Can you read a Nokia file with PC reader which was created by STM board? 2) Appears that the demo code holds SD transactions ''hostage'' until USB properly detects/connects. Can you temporarily bypass this USB ''checking'' and see if you can then transact with other SD? Interesting issue - 2GB are preferred size and STM users limited to 64MB are condemned to dinosaur status... Plz try & report - good luck... [ This message was edited by: jj.sprague on 28-08-2008 18:31 ]2011-05-17 3:43 AM
are Nokia/other micro SD both formatted in the same manner?
Does your Nokia work ok in camera & PC reader?
Can you read a Nokia file with PC reader which was created by STM board?
Yes Second suggestion I try tomorrow. Thanks. [ This message was edited by: radzio on 28-08-2008 20:43 ]