2014-06-01 9:49 PM
Hello everyone
today I have one problem with my manage memory I run freeRTOS in stm32f4 board (Cortex M4), I create one task. This task execute regular expression program (source code for regexp from: http://www.arglist.com/regex/). because program recusive many times, so in RTOS, I config max heap is 112Kb, but it is not enough. When I build Keil print statement: .\build\zrfid.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching heap_4.o(.bss). .\build\zrfid.axf: Error: L6407E: Sections of aggregate size 0x1c000 bytes could not fit into .ANY selector(s). can anyone help me that problem?? Thank and regard!2014-06-01 10:32 PM
Ok, but what have you defined for the memory under the ''Target'' tab of the Options?
2014-06-02 4:07 PM
already clive1