2016-02-23 02:29 AM
I’ve added LWIP library to my embedded project. Microcontroller STM32F107VC.
When I initialize the LWIP
I get some errors:
section `.bss' will not fit in region `RAM'
region `RAM' overflowed by 18004 bytes
because the functions mem_init() and memp_init() allocate the memory and completely waist it. As I understand all the settings reside in
lwipopts.h that overwrites opt.h.
I tried different settings. Actually I took it from ST example - STM32F107_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.0. What should I do to get it working?2016-03-08 09:01 AM
Hi erenburg.evgeny.002,
I suggest you to start from the lwIP example under STM32cubeF1 package: STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.3.0\Projects\STM3210C_EVAL\Applications\LwIPThese examples guide STM32Cube HAL API users to run application based on Raw API of LwIP TCP/IP stack.For more details about this application, refer tohttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00103685.pdf
''Developing applications on STM32Cube with LwIP TCP/IP stack''-Syrine-