2016-04-13 3:51 AM
Hi everyone,
I�ve implemented a websocket client that runs on a STM32F4 with FreeRTOS and lwIP 1.4.1.The client is supposed to send the machine status to the server each 5 seconds (plain text message).I let the client run for 2.5 days and the result is the following:http://lwip.100.n7.nabble.com/Issue-with-Cortex-Emac-driver-td25326.html
where a possible bug in the ST ETH driver is exposed.Anyone has experienced a similar problem? Anyone has found a solution?Thank you very much!Fran #stm32f4 #!stm32-!ethernet-!dma2016-04-18 2:10 AM
Hi everyone,
I’ve finally managed to find the error.ethernetif_input task was misconfigured. It was executing low_level_input just once instead of doing it repeatedly until the returned pbuffer is empty.
I started developing my communications library quite a long time ago and I took ethernetif.c from an old STM32F4 Cube lwIP example (v 1.2) which was wrong. Examples are correct starting from v 1.4.Regards,Fran