2016-09-14 11:24 AM
I want to develop an application using low-layer drivers in keil ide / stm32f051x. I can't compile because some funcions of sm32f0xx_ll_rcc the compiler says ''implicit declaration of ..''
I ca compile de example provided in the stm32cubef0, but if I change the uC to another I cant compile.I change the preporcesor simbols, asm file, etc...Any suggestionsThx por your Attention2016-09-16 7:06 AM
Hi csilva,
I ca compile de example provided in the stm32cubef0, but if I change the uC to another I cant compile.
1-Which example did you looked to? 2-What are you using as STM32 product? 3-Could you please provide more explanation on your case, so that it will be easier to understand the issue? -Syrine-