2017-10-10 5:57 AM
Hello every body , we are starting a project of a network collecting datas ,
we will use stm32 devices that are pretty made easy programmable with cube thans to stm!!
For establishing a local network (without internet for the moment )
just a star topology is enough for us we collect datas from end devices based on a stm32 and send them to a coordinator for exemple or a central node that we want to connect to a computer .for this issue we think about LORA chips .
is it suitable for LAN ???
did any one try it?
is there any empty exemple of stm32f100 , for exmple , how will i process , after creating a cube project then how will i add lora libraries and from where , and what are the necessary libraries and folders ??
thanks much , needs urgent help
2017-10-10 10:23 AM
LoRa has relatively low bandwidth, certainly nothing I'd class as 'LAN'
The LRWAN library provided by ST uses the HAL, not CubeMX generated code, you'd need to add/merge code in that you want and build out the example apps to suit your needs. The LRWAN library does not have support for STM32F1xx parts, you'd have to port it to that platform, or use STM32 families it does support. ie L0 or L4. I've ported it to the F4 family.
2017-10-12 1:29 AM
thanks much , so it is just for internet of things i cannoot use lora for local network , so what about spirit1 sp1ML looks i can do it it has cube libraries for wireless meter bus ?
can any one compare between lora and spirit ? we have just these two devices who has libraries in stm for wireless solutions right???
2017-10-12 8:02 AM
It really comes down to how much data you want to move around, 10-100 bytes, or 1000-10000's of bytes. Would your model work with RS232 vs Ethernet connections? If it would work with a 9600-19200 baud serial connection, LoRa would be a good replacement.
My rule of thumb for a LAN was >1mbps, 20 years ago, but it is really what you are transporting. You typically want high bandwidth to reduce the contention between multiple nodes, and in radio most implementation give you a single half-duplex channel.
LoRa and Spirit are going to be fairly comparable, the LoRa modulation scheme being quite flexible and robust.
2017-10-13 1:38 AM
thanks mister cline , my data frame will reach max 30 bytes , i collect data from end devices and send them to a coordinator (in lora gateway as i understand )
end device
end device
. coordinator to pc via rs232 (just want collect data and put them in pc data base--->no need of internet for the moment)
end device
it is simple network , thanks