2017-05-07 08:30 PM
HI ,
I have a UART devise hooked up to STM32F7 and working with HAL interrupt callback..
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&UartHandle,*ActiveUartBuff,sizebuf) != HAL_OK)
How do we read line break ( end of message ) , Can anyone suggest a way to do this? do I need to hack the
call back code or is this already implimented in USART HAL code?
I have short 6 to 12 byte commands I need to write to buffer as commands.
2017-05-08 04:14 AM
ah, just seen HAL_LIN_Init in HAL_UART.c
will try ,
2017-05-08 08:49 AM
nope, I initialized with HAL_LIN_Init(&UartHandle,UART_LINBREAKDETECTLENGTH_10B);
and the data appears to continually arrive ignoring line breaks
how do I start a new write to the Recieve buffer on line break ? It seams like its just appending 8 char messsage to my 16 char array from the UART.