2017-02-26 4:06 AM
hi everybody I want to do the project on and off for LEDs with dma and timer Without engaging the CPU's but i cant some body help meor give me sample from this
2017-02-26 4:47 AM
Tell us what do you have done so far.
2017-02-26 7:58 AM
Determine which part you are using, review the Reference Manual, this will provide the associations between TIM and DMA channels/streams. Set the TIM to the update periodicity. Set the DMA for MEM-to-MEM from a pattern buffer to GPIOx->BSRR. Fill the pattern buffer, with the bits you want turning on and off at the time interval.
It's not really your project if I have to write it. Examples of TIM+DMA+GPIO have been posted to the forum, search historical posts.
2017-02-26 9:45 AM
2017-02-26 10:27 AM
hi my friend
its my home work
your explain its true and a wana dothis project but i cant
i cant find this project in historical post
would u do me a favor and send me this project
2017-02-26 10:46 AM
this project with stm32f107vc
2017-02-26 10:49 AM
Ok, then you'll need to review the RM0008 manual, and adapt the code to suit. The concepts remain the same.
2017-02-26 11:34 AM
tnx my friend
2017-02-27 1:16 AM
hi my friend
i read rm0008 but im confused its my home work and very important to learn
can u write this project with stm32f107vc?
2017-02-27 9:08 AM
I could, but it's not my job. I learn nothing from doing this.
Your professor presumably thinks he's taught the subject sufficiently for you to do this yourself, if he has not you should discuss this with him.
Break the problem into smaller pieces. Get a timer working, use the interrupt to toggle a pin at a desired frequency. Use the timer toggle mode to toggle a pin itself. Then use the TIM to trigger a DMA action.