2011-03-07 10:00 PM
Latest STM32 standard peripheral library
#lmgtfy:-firmware-library #lmgtfy:-stm32-resources2011-05-17 5:26 AM
2011-05-17 5:26 AM
''Can any one point me to the latest STM32 standard peripheral library''
OK, so [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/e2esupport/Lists/General%20comments%20and%20feedback/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/e2esupport/Lists/General comments and feedback/Website Wrecked!&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D75800012C78846220B4D4494A7455BB1CA77C0]ST made a mess of their website, but it's not really that hard to find: Start at the ST Home page: There are 5 boxes in the 'Products' section; the STM32 is a microcontroller, so 'Micros and Memories' seems the obvious choice:
Again, there are 4 boxes in the 'Products' section; the STM32 is a microcontroller, so 'Microcontrollers' seems the obvious choice: Now, in the grey box on the left, you can see ''STM32 - 32-bit ARM Cortex MCUs''; this takes you to: Now you have 3 tabs - 'Resources' sounds a likely place to find libraries, doesn't it? On the 'Resources' tab, under 'Tools', there's 'Firmware' On the 'Firmware' page, the standard peripheral library is the 2nd entry in the list. Simples?2012-10-22 12:35 PM
Not if he actually wants the latest version. Today, for example, that seems to give you version 3.5.0 whereas the STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0 includes files from version 3.6.12012-10-22 1:27 PM
As Andy indicates it is all rather a mess, there is a lot of stratification in what pieces come with what, and where those can be found on the site.
For example a lot of the 405/407 chip pages point at the Discovery Firmware, but the DSP firmware contains peripheral examples, and there is no separate library. This is undeniably retarded. I don't expect ST to resolved the mess, and using the most up-to-date library isn't super critical. I have some code trees built against the old V2.x.x library, pre CMSIS, and there is very little compelling reason to port them, and a lot of reasons not to. The best way to deal with ST's releases is to collect all of them and archive and harvest the stuff you need, and makes sense. Do a diff/merge if the nuances are important.2012-10-23 3:25 AM
''Not if he actually wants the latest version.''
It would have been the latest at the time of writing - but note that it was well over a year ago, and was immediately after STwrecked
updated the website.2012-10-23 3:26 AM
Forum playing up again - the website wasn't the only casualty of the so-called ''update''...
2014-04-01 8:09 PM
It is now 2014 and things have changed again, but the STM32F10X is still alive, and there is
~~ The Master List: STM32F1 Resources ~~~ the MotherLode ~~ http://stm32.eeelec.com/html/STM32F1%20resources.htm Links to code and applications, including the standard peripheral library 3.5.0 I hope this helps someone else save an hour or two! Rob