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Keil error : : Exec region RW_IRAM1 address (0x20000008) not aligned on a 64 byte boundary.

Senior II

BLE_HearRateFreeRTOS example: latest .

; *************************************************************

; *** Scatter-Loading Description File generated by uVision ***

; *************************************************************

LR_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00080000 {  ; load region size_region

 ER_IROM1 0x08000000 0x00080000 { ; load address = execution address

  *.o (RESET, +First)


  .ANY (+RO)


 RW_IRAM1   0x20000008 0x2FFF8 { ; RW data

  .ANY (+RW +ZI)


  RW_RAM_SHARED1 0x20030000 0x28 { ; RW data 



  RW_RAM_SHARED2 0x20030028 0x27D8 { ; RW data    



  .ANY (+RW +ZI)



How do I proceed?

Associate II

I have the same but a little different problem:

BV_FULLBAND\Exe\Dory.axf: Error: L6244E: Exec region RW_IRAM1 address (0x20000004) not aligned on a 16 byte boundary.

I downloaded the STM32WB5MM sample project and compiled it in Keil µVision5. But this Error happens. I don't know how to handle it.

Do you have a solution since the problem happens or does anyone have the same problem but know how to solve it?

Perhaps just follow the direction and align the base address?

ie 0x20000010 and not 0x20000004

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Likely a V6 compiler/link ABI issue

RW_IRAM1   0x20000040 0x2FFC0 { ; RW data, 64-byte alignment required

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