2008-01-20 11:00 PM
Keil Config Wizard STM32_init.c -> Summary of bugs
2011-05-17 3:21 AM
Hi all,
after spending many hours of debugging a piece of software called STM32_init.c which makes basic initialisation to the STM32, I would like to provide this list of bugs. Just yesterday I discovered 3 new bugs! Version 1.10 - Bug: The Auto-Reload and Prescaler-Registers from TIM1,TIM2,TIM3 are set with the values of Auto-Reload and Prescaler-Register of TIM4. Version 1.20 - The fault above with Auto-Reload registers is corrected - The feature of Alternative IO Mapping is added - Bug: The slave mode registers of TIM1-4 are not set - Bug: TIM3 Capture4 Enable und Polarity: These 2 bits are written to TIM3 Capture 4 Inputfilter location - Bug: The CCxS bits are set wrong in Capture registers 2 and 4 at each timer (TIM1-4). --> See reference manual: These bits are indeed vice versa for capture 2 and 4! I discovered these bugs because my application needs all the capture registers and many timers. I don´t know whether other sections of this software are buggy too. But I would strongly recommend to read back the init values from their actual components out of the CPU and verify them step by step with the reference manual after the initialisation! This might save you many hours of debugging software which is not even yours! Best regards Andi2011-05-17 3:21 AM
Hi Andi,
Where from you took the 1.20 version? I just now downloaded from Keil the 3.15b evaluation, and the STM32_init.c file there is still 1.10. Varuzhan2011-05-17 3:21 AM
Hi Varuzhan ,
I contacted Keil in Munich because of the buggy 1.10, they sent me the 1.20. Regards Andi2011-05-17 3:21 AM
Version 1.20 of file STM32_init.c is now available in the example project
RL-ARM SD/MMC File Demo for MCBST32 http://www.keil.com/download/docs/366.asp Download the zip file at the bottom of the link