2017-09-08 7:35 PM
I have a trouble using STM32F103VET6.
I attached the reset and boot circuitary.
i have assembled three boards and tested.
Unfortunately, one of them was normal, but the others were not.
The trouble is as follows.
When i turned on the board, KEIL showed me 'Auto write protected device detected.........' and i clicked 'yes' to download the firmware.
But the board did not work normally.
I measured the voltage of NRST pin and BOOT0 pin after power on. The voltage of the NRST pin was 3.34V( power supply voltage is 3.29V) and of the BOOT0 is 1.7V.
But the voltages of normal board were 3.28V and 0.1V respectively.
I tried agian to link Jlink( i used SW 4-wire mode), but KEIL warned 'Jlink warning: CPU coild not be halted'.
But the normal board always works normally.
I really did not analyze this phenomenon.
Help me to find the reason of this trouble.
Thanks. Jon
2017-09-10 2:26 PM
>>>> the BOOT0 is 1.7V.
from datasheet
0.28*(3.29-2)+0.8 = 1,16V
You are above of max input low voltage.
Means also that boot pin's internal resistance to VCC is ~10K. (abnormal for a CMOS input ) .. or some problem with power cirquitry of the board exists
First check if all VSS ,VSSA pins are connected to ground.
After check all the other power supply pins VDD,VDDA,VREF-,VREF+ if properly connected. Also check for 5V inputs to non FiveVoltsTolerant pins.
2017-09-10 7:27 PM
Thanks, Vangelis.
I also have a doubt for the power circuit.
Yes, i will check all power circuitary and reply the result.
Thaks, Jon.
2017-09-10 8:55 PM
I have checked all power circuitary and not found any fault.
But today I have seen a new warnig:
Jlink warning:T-bit of XPSR is 0 but should be 1, changed to 1.
Still did not solve the problem.
Help me.