2011-10-07 2:21 AM
I'd like to know if there is a unique ID available on each STM32F10x, that can be read from ROM, and that can not be changed by the user. I would like to realise a copy-protection function with that ID. if yes, can you please show how to read this ID on a STM32F107VC? thanks and best regards!2011-10-13 6:00 AM
I could be wrong about this, but I remember reading that some of the early sample chips had all FF in the unique ID. Maybe that doesn't apply hear; still worth mentioning though.
2011-10-13 6:40 AM
>Does the 107 have a different system rom address?
I guess not, ROM starts @ 0x8000000 and ROM size is 0x40000
That's the FLASH, the ROM is typically situated at 0x1FFFF000, just below the RAM. On parts with larger ROMs (ie ones booting USB) I think they can start at 0x1FFFB000. If some of the parts don't have a Unique ID it would be useful for someone at ST to step in here and confirm that. Also the full markings on the top of the device would be helpful in isolating the exact die/production details.
2011-10-13 6:45 AM
I don't heart about it, maybe it is so. I've found the way how to see the memory with the RLink debugger they are the results which I've got read:
1FFFF7E0 -> 00 1FFFF7E1 -> 01 that a lof of FF's 1FFFF7F6 -> FC 1FFFF7F6 -> FF From 1FFFF7F8 to 1FFFF801 values differ from FF But nothing on the desired address as documented.2011-10-13 7:17 AM
There is the Chip Marking:
STM32F107 VCT6 Z 990MF VC MYS 99 961