2016-11-16 12:20 AM
i am new to STM32 programming. I have to make a small program where the STM32L471 is the SPI master. I tried the CubeMX to build a program for the Keil MDK. Seems to be ok. But when i call the transmit functions of the library with: HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, u8Send, u8Receive, 6, 10000); i can't see the clock or reactions on the MOSI. I saw that the signals change one time, but i can't see the the communication. So my question was how you build new projects and what libs do you use? The CMSIS, the HAL or older things? Best regards Volker2016-11-16 6:04 AM
Hi kugler.volker,
You would refer to the SPI example in STM32CubeL4 library ''SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling'' at this path:You can see code there and how transfer is implemented and apply on your CubeMx project.For STM32Cube firmware library example , there is an application note for each Cube package' device series that illustrates the existing examples topics and packages. For STM32L4 refer to '' STM32Cube firmware examples for STM32L4 Series''-Hannibal-