2012-05-28 9:28 AM
I have been using the Atollic (Lite) for my development.
My Atollic Projects work great (doing USB & MMC work). But I have run out of space with the 32K limit. So I moved over recently to the Code Sourcery - or tried. I can compile a simple: main(){while(1){}} program , etc. But when I try to move and compile my Atollic Projects, they do not compile. Simply: make -k all - with no file outputs, warnings, errors, etc. I have been using Eclipse WinArm for Atmel for years. I followed most specs that I could find - on installing Code Sourcery on Eclipse, - but with no result. Is Code Sourcery supposed to work like a Black Box ? Is there some Verbose parameter needed or something ? - Any Advice ? - Does anybody actually promote Code Sourcery ?2012-05-28 3:14 PM
I've been using WinARM/Yargarto for years too, it's my preferred command line gcc / gnu make environment.
For a commercial GNU/GCC based platform, I personally prefer Rowley. They were always quite responsive to queries and problem reports. I'm sure Mentor promotes Code Sourcery, though I suspect they focus more on their higher value software.2012-05-29 9:11 PM
Clive - hello again !
So thats a YES ? Do you have a successful running USB Project for the STM32F4 ? - A proven base that I can drop my project into. I am tired of debugging my conversion of Atollic to CodeSourcery Project. I have it compiling sort of successfully. But it does nothing at running - just dead in the water - not a twitch. I am thinking about compiling as modules on Atollic - then connecting them together manully in ASM after compiling - to work around the 32K limit issue. 32K+32K+32K+=>128k/512k/etc.. But it would be annoying though - rewriting it in ASM. Have you compiled the stm8240g code in WinArm ? Where can I find a copy that compiles on WinArm ?2012-05-31 11:12 AM
2012-06-01 5:00 PM
Don't know why CS wouldn't work, I got sick of it wanting to be registered. I just configured Eclipse to use the current Yagarto tools/chain.
No, not using the USB stuff myself, and primarily F2 parts right now. I have an F4 Discovery board, will be picking up a F0 Discovery on Tuesday, I don't have a STM3240G so if I built code I have no means to test it. I'm not sure I have the patience to port it. I've built the F2 and F4 firmware libraries using an older WinARM that supported the F1. I haven't tried to build any of the F4 USB libraries but might give it a whirl as time permits.2012-06-02 9:58 AM
This is my point - I have ported the Stm3240g code over for stm32f4discovery successfully ! All you need is to wire up a SdCard to the stm32f4disc Board. - It successfully runs as an USB MassStorage Device on Windows. I also added a Color Lcd - and wrote Fonts and my own version of Space Invaders, also successful - pretty nifty for only 2 months Stm experience - yes ? * I have this Ported stm3240g Code successfully compiled and running with Atollic (for the stm32f4Disc brd). + I am NOW trying to configure this Ported stm3240g Code to work on Code Sourcery also. If you are interested in trying - I can send you the working Code for Atollic and CodeSourcery as zip. - You can run on Atollic - or attempt on Yagarto, etc.2012-06-04 4:10 PM
Last time I looked, CodeSourcery was available in a number of editions - from ''free'' (sic) up to a price comparable to a Keil licence.
The more you pay, the greater your entitlement to support. Which edition did you choose?2012-06-07 1:27 AM
>> ''The more you pay, the greater your entitlement to support.'' This is a Public Forum - if you can't provide Free Advice - then Go Away ! If NOBODY in the STM Forums can offer ANY Assistance, Suggestions, or Useful Advice , then I MUST give a Product Review of : - that Code Sourcery - is USELESS and WASTE OF TIME - because Nobody uses it sucessfully enough -- so they can Not provide advice from WORKING EXPERIENCE.2012-06-07 3:49 AM
This is a Public Forum - if you can't provide Free Advice - then Go Away !
This is NOT a public CodeSourcery forum, so stop complaining. When you downloaded the Lite version, you have read the licence conditions and agreed, did you ? They make it clear - no support for this version.- that Code Sourcery - is USELESS and WASTE OF TIME
- because Nobody uses it sucessfully enough This might apply to your case, others might think diferently.- because Nobody uses it sucessfully enough This is a wild guess.-- so they can Not provide advice from WORKING EXPERIENCE.
How about looking for a CodeSourcery user forum ? This forum is dedicated to STM32, which is just one target that this toolsuite supports. Why do you expect detailed expertise about that tool here ?
2012-06-07 4:10 AM
This seems to be a CRITICS Forum if All that I get is Sarcasm instead of Advice.
It States on THIS Site in the above Right Caption on the Page that 'This IS a PUBLIC Forum'. Is Anybody here Paying for this Forum ?? - Sad to see Cheap Excuses for throwing Sarcasm at Somebody Asking for advice and making a Direct Observation on the lack of Assistance in the Active Members of this Forum - Who instead of Constructive Advice, would rather throw Negative Sarcasm at Somebody asking for Assistance. I REPEAT : If Nobody here has CONSTRUCTIVE Advice including Expertise of WORKING Code Sourcery :: Then My Educated Observation is that Code Sourcery is Useless and Not Used by the Stm32 Community - from lack of WORKING CODE and/or EXPERIENCE with it. QED. :)>> ''- This is NOT a public CodeSourcery forum, so stop complaining.''
>> ''- When you downloaded the Lite version, you have read the licence conditions and agreed, did you ? They make it clear - no support for this version.'' - ARE YOU A SALESMAN for Code Sourcery ? - OR just ENJOY INSULTING People ? I REPEAT - If You do Not have Experience/Code/Advice - then YOU PROVE my POINT - so Go Away :: I asked for ADVICE not INSULTS. >> ''-This might apply to your case, others might think diferently.'' :: And Who is PROVING me FALSE - by giving ADVICE from Experience ? - NOBODY - so my only Observation MUST be that I am Correct. Your Sarcasm and Insults just Prove me Correct.. - Thanks Again fm ! :)>> ''- because Nobody uses it sucessfully enough - This is a wild guess.'' PROVE me Wrong then ! This forum is dedicated to STM32, >> ''- which is just one target that this toolsuite supports. Why do you expect detailed expertise about that tool here ?'' == Because Code Sourcery was SUGGESTED Here as one of the few Resources to use for STM32 !I am Offering REASONABLE ADVICE for Anybody thinking of using the Code Sourcery.DON'T USE IT - Nobody seems to Want or Can Give any Useful HELP for it for STM32 ! -- Just read this Posting here - and See the ONLY Response that You get when You Ask for Help .. for a SIMPLE Question : ''What could cause this Compiler issue .. ?'' fm, What are YOU here for - besides throwing Insults - not just here either I noticed. I see Your Insults across this Forum - Without any assistance. fm - I asked You this on other pages already - are You somebody Educated OR just somebody who Wants to Critique and Insult ? NO PITCHES HERE PLEASE - GO AWAY fm ! - Are You a salesman here for cs ? >> ''- When you downloaded the Lite version, you have read the licence conditions and agreed, did you ? They make it clear - no support for this version.'' NO PITCHES HERE PLEASE - GO AWAY fm ! :|=