2008-12-16 10:49 PM
Irda interface with family STM32F103xx
2011-05-17 3:56 AM
Referring to the datasheet of the family STM32F103xx advanced ARM-based 32-bit MCUs downloading from:
http://www.st.com/stonline/stappl/productcatalog/app?path=/pages/stcom/PcStComPartNumberSearch.searchPartNumber&search=STM32F103 Referring to the electric scheme of the evaluation board datasheet STM3210E-EVAL Supplied from ST downloading from: http://www.st.com/stonline/stappl/productcatalog/app?path=/pages/stcom/PcStComPartNumberSearch.searchPartNumber&search=STM3210E-EVAL. Referring to the datasheet of the VISHAY TFDU4300 transceiver downloading from: http://www.vishay.com/product?docid=82614&query=TFDU4300 In the evaluation board scheme STM3210E-EVAL it has been used, in the infrared communication IrDA, the transceiver VISHAY TFDU4300 directly connected to the serial port USART3 of the Cortex ST-M3. The transceiver of the VISHAY TFDU4300 can work on the SIR modality(speed up to 115200 bit/s and distances up to 1 meters or on RC modality (Remote Control) for covering distances up to 12 meters. Questions: 1) From the family datasheet ''STM32F103xx'' it is not clear if the USART3 programmed as IrDA can work both on SIR modality and on RC modality (Remote control). 2) On SIR modality is it possible, decreasing the bit-rate, to arrive to cover a distance of about 10 meters? What is the distance on SIR modality I can cover ? 3) Can you suggest me other solutions for covering a 10 meters distance using a transceiver as TDFU4300 directly connected to the Cortex ST-M3? I hope to hearing from you soon. Best regards. Demetrio Magrin :)