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Interrupt vector handler locations in raisonance tool chain ?

Associate II
Posted on May 24, 2009 at 11:04

Interrupt vector handler locations in raisonance tool chain ?

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:12

Hi all, I'm slowly picking up C, and getting to like it a ''bit'' even :-)

However, I'm experiencing frustration in an area that I think most of you have already solved: Interrupts.

The interrupts seem to be partially covered with code segments for enabling, disabling etc in each pheripheral *.C file, but I can't find/don't understand where the interrupt vector table lines up with the actual handlers.

Some of the older builds seem to use a STM32f10xit.h and STM32f10xit.c file for the task, but the newer STM libraries are harder to understand.

My main files are:

main.c, which includes:

stm32f10x_lib.h and stm32f10x_conf.h

the lib file includes a map file, conf allows it to include a type file and cortexm3_macro.h

I use the gpio file as well.

My program runs, but I want to expand it, and use interrupts for much of the I/O maintainence.

Can anybody explain what I'm missing please ? :-o

thanks in advance,
