2013-12-12 4:31 AM
Hi friends;
Iwant to use USB without external oscillator. Can I use? If I can use how is it?Thanks2013-12-12 4:56 AM
I want to use USB without external oscillator. Can I use? If I can use how is it?
Doesn't it fail basic stability and accuracy requirements to meet the USB spec? Clock selection mechanisms work the same as they would any other time.2013-12-12 5:24 AM
I don't always use continuoe . I am going to use sometimes. But other functions always work. for example circuit work at -15C to +50 degree after then usb will work at 20-25 degree. Is it avaliable?
2013-12-12 10:00 AM
Commercial or Amateur?
You don't mention an STM32 part#, but selecting HSI vs HSE, and PLL parameter are generally done in the system_stm32fxxx.c file, and you can configure them in any manner within the documented limits.2013-12-16 1:55 PM
Thanks for answers;
first time I will try to work ameteur. If I get result successful, maybe I use commercial.