2013-05-27 7:45 AM
I need to create a library to my BSP so I would be able to use it anywhere.Creating the .a file isnt that hard with CooCox IDE, but the main problem is when I want to use the library in an application, the size of the code is always zero.Unless I use the startup file provided by CooCox in the application.My job is to include this startup file inside the library so it would be transparent to the user.Many thanks. #stm32f4-startup2013-05-27 8:01 AM
So put startup.o into library.a
The linker is going to want to know an entry point into the code, and have a dependency within the library for it to be pulled in.2013-05-27 8:04 AM
I did that.
But when I use the library.a with the application and compiling it with CooCox, the size of the generated code is zero.