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In STM32G474 ,CORDIC module for trigonometric functions

Associate II

In STM32G474 , I used CORDIC module for trigonometric functions calculations but this module requires fixed point represntation and i store the final value in float variable . can the transformations between fixed point to float point be done using a hardware module or must be done using software ?

ST Employee

Hello @AIBRA.1 (Community Member) 

You can manipulate and convert any fixed point into float representation using CMSIS DSP Library (supported by FPU embedded in STM32G4 in single precision)

As an example for q1.31 into: \STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.5.1\Drivers\CMSIS\DSP\Source\SupportFunctions\arm_q31_to_float.c

void arm_q31_to_float( const q31_t * pSrc, float32_t * pDst, uint32_t blockSize)

Best regards,


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