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Image Capture using STM32F2

Posted on March 27, 2015 at 05:21

I have developed a stm32f207 board for my own application. I have interfaced a 14 bit grayscale camera using DCMI. I'm then transferring this image to the SRAM using DMA. 

The SRAM being used is the same present on the stm32f220-g eval board. And I'm using ST's eval board library function for FSMC initialisation. 

Once the entire image (640 * 512) is in the SRAM, I transfer it to the PC and display it using MATLAB. The images look like this;


0690X000006030rQAA.jpgAs observed, there's shift after every few lines and even though it looks like the image is there it's not quite correct.

Could someone guide me where things are going wrong? 
Posted on March 27, 2015 at 11:23

Seem to be interleaving some large, but uniform, size chunks.

The image is quite large for a single DMA operation, so is suspect it's being done in multiples.

Look at your camera data sheet, look at the settings it's using, look at how you're reading/storing the image, look at how you're uploading the image, look at how MATLAB is decoding the image.

Speak to someone familiar with the camera and it's operation.

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