2017-09-05 03:15 AM
Hello ,
i'm using murata's module CMWX1ZZabz including stm32l0, with the provided lorawan_cube code , here is the lowpower_handler fontion, anyone has an idea how to control the MCU wakeup.
in addition to that, the consumption is high in sleep_mode : 1.5mA instead of ~5uA .
Thank youvoid LowPower_Handler( void )
{ DBG_GPIO_RST(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_15); DBG_GPIO_RST(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14); if ( LowPower_State == 0 ) { HW_EnterStopMode( ); /* mcu dependent. to be implemented by user*/HW_ExitStopMode();
DBG_GPIO_SET(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_15); HW_RTC_setMcuWakeUpTime( ); } else { DBG_PRINTF_CRITICAL('z\n\r'); HW_EnterSleepMode( );DBG_GPIO_SET(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_14);