2017-11-10 03:41 AM
Hello! I loaded project from library STM32CubeL4 to IAR EW 8.20, compiled by pressing Rebuild All, then select Simulator instead ST-Link (my DISCO board haven't arrive yet), then press Debug without downloading and 2 errors appears:
1 User error: Stack pointer is setup to incorrect alignment. Stack addr = 0xCDCDCDCD
2 Failed to load debugee: C:\Users\Vova\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.10.0\Projects\STM32L476G-Discovery\Examples\GPIO\GPIO_EXTI\EWARM\STM32L476G-Discovery\Exe\Project.out
Is there a solution for my issue?
‌#iar-stm32 #stm32l-firmware-library