2016-08-03 06:51 AM
I have configured my STM32F405 board in the I2C master receiver mode. I am able to get interrupt for the start bit in the ISR. Now I am not able to clear the ISR flag. I tried to read out the I2C1_SR1 register with SB bit, but it is not resetting the flag. Also the CR1 register is read only. How can I reset the interrupt flag for start condition so that next time I will again get the interrupt for Start condition ?2016-08-03 09:01 AM
2016-08-03 11:14 PM
I am a bit new to programming. Can you please explain it ? I mean in NVIC vector which one to clear ?2016-08-04 01:12 AM
Hi khare.ankush,
“I am a bit new to programming�The STM32CubeF4 firmware package provides a set of examples showing how to use the I2C in master/slave communication, based on polling, interrupt and DMA programming models. You can start from these examples to do your own:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM32F4-Discovery\Examples\I2C -Syrine-