2017-05-29 09:29 PM
Hi, is there a I2C HAL maximum concurrent write limit using HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit?
I have a simple macro that is trying to write 4096 zero's to blocks of address and other code blocks and the larger
ones are giving me the error I2C_IsAcknowledgeFailed
Do I need to use a different write protocol for larger write blocks to I2C ? The application depends on my macro
so don't really want to use a bootloader app but will if there is no way to increase write sizes with;
uint32_t timedel = 10;
i2cstatus = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&I2cHandle,devAddress,I2C1_Buffer_Tx,ThisBufferSize,timedel); // send buffer
I'll try increasing the time delay but don't see why it would help.
2017-05-29 09:50 PM
ok, stupid me ! increasing timeout made the difference !! I just set it to 1000ms and is working fine now.
i'll leave post here in case this helps anyone else.